
Our Programs

Kosmos Innovation Center currently has three programs to support young Senegalese people who want to start their own business. Each program offers a different level and type of support, so make sure that you’re applying for the right program for your situation. Whatever program you go for, you can be confident that KIC will give you a fantastic grounding in entrepreneurship. Check out our Case Studies for more information about the people who have already benefitted.

Suxëtt Entrepreneuriat

Suxëtt Entrepreneuriat supports 15 early-stage Senegalese startups with training in business strategy and sustainable solutions. This national program offers five training sessions, a mentorship event, and a pitch competition where entrepreneurs get feedback on their ideas from experienced judges. This will be followed by 1:1 coaching and support for 3-5 winners, aiming to develop viable, scalable businesses addressing challenges in the local ecosystem.

Sama Xalaat Sama Projet

Sama Xalaat Sama Projet helps 15 Saint Louis entrepreneurs to transform business ideas into realised concepts. Participants engage in four weeks of group training and two weeks of 1:1 coaching, focusing on market research, financial management, and pitch preparation, culminating in a Demo Day with potential funding opportunities for five businesses of up to $10,000 in total. This is the perfect program for anyone who wants to commit to their business idea and see it turned into a reality.

Door Entrepreneuriat

Our Door Entrepreneuriat programme empowers 60 Saint Louis youth (18-35) with essential entrepreneurship skills through interactive workshops. Focusing on practical training, it covers ideation, market identification and business planning. Our aim is to foster a balanced and dynamic entrepreneurial environment and prepare young people for the challenges that lie ahead. If you’re looking for a great grounding in what entrepreneurship is really like then this is for you.
See our FAQ about the Door Entrepreneuriat scheme here.
You can apply to join the program by clicking the link here.